Approved Names

Details National Campaign

You can find more information on the Planetary System here.
IAU National Outreach Coordinator (NOC)
Boothee Thaik Htun
Contact e-mail:
NameExoWorlds National Committee
Chair: Boothee Thaik Htun (Myanmar Astronomy & Science Enthusiasts Society)
Zaw Myint Thu (Myanmar Astronomy & Science Enthusiasts Society)
Zara Chan (Myanmar Astronomy & Science Enthusiasts Society)
Thein Myint (Myanmar Astronomy & Science Enthusiasts Society)
Min Zaw Moe (Myanmar Astronomy & Science Enthusiasts Society)
Aung Thiha Zaw (Myanmar Astronomy & Science Enthusiasts Society)
Naing Naing Wint Htun (University of Yangon)
Kyaw Zaw Lynn (University of Yangon)
Thant Zin Naing (University of Yangon)